In our ongoing effort to uphold our Moto we have created this calculator to help you decide on the best SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating for your home HVAC system. You may be surprised at the results. Keep in mind this does not consider any rebaits you may receive or your usage habits. You may also want to consider the other benefits of a higher efficiency unit such as comfort, noise levels, etc.
The SEER Rating takes into account a very specific set of conditions that are not constant therefore these calculations are not exact. These calculations are based on the average hours of HVAC cooling operations in the New Braunfels and San Antonio area. The average of 204 days per year over 80℉ and running 8 hours per day.
For the best results find the cost per kWh (Kilowatt Hour) on your utility bill and the system Tons or BTUs, and SEER rating on your estimate.